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Florida State Rep Kiyan Michael Honored for her Efforts to Protect America’s Borders

Updated: Jan 8

JACKSONVILLE, FL - Duval County Citizens Defending Freedom was honored to host Florida State Representative Kiyan Michael at their recent monthly meeting. Representative Michael, who represents Florida’s 16th District, is a lifelong resident of Jacksonville and a dedicated protector of America’s Constitutional Rights. As an America First citizen and Angel Mom, Rep. Michael has tirelessly fought to protect America’s borders in the wake of the tragic death of her son, who was killed in a car accident caused by a twice-deported illegal alien.

To honor her efforts, Rep. Michael was presented with NumbersUSA’s 2023 Torchbearer Award for her instrumental work towards the passing of Senate Bill 1718, one of the strongest state-led anti-illegal immigration bill ever brought forth. The bill, which Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law on May 10, 2023, requires private employers with 25 or more employees to use E-Verify for all new hires. The bill will prohibit local governments from issuing Identification Cards to illegal aliens, and requires hospitals to collect and submit data on the costs of providing health care to illegal aliens. Ultimately, the bill helps protect Florida’s citizens and ensure that taxpayers are not footing the bill for illegal immigration.

NumbersUSA is one of America’s largest immigration grassroots organizations that provides a civil forum for Americans of all backgrounds to focus on immigration policies that are in the best interest for the entire nation. CEO James Massa presented the annual award to Rep. Michael at the Duval County Citizens Defending Freedom monthly meeting. Many attended the meeting to honor her tireless efforts and show support for the work that she and CDF are doing to bring positive changes to the community in Duval County.

Recently, Rep. Michael joined Lindsay Rives, National Media Correspondent for Citizens Defending Freedom, to talk about her journey and her mission to protect America's borders.

To learn more about Representative Michael’s efforts and how you can support future policy to protect America’s Constitutional Rights, please visit her site.

To learn more about NumbersUSA and the work they are doing to educate citizens on immigration policies and protecting America's borders, please visit their site.

About Citizens Defending Freedom:

Founded in 2021, Citizens Defending Freedom is a non-profit organization that strategically operates in counties across America to help citizens defend their faith and freedom, all while fighting for transparency in local government. Currently, Citizens Defending Freedom is established in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas, with plans to continue expanding across America. Click here to learn more about Citizens Defending Freedom.

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