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Citizens Defending Freedom calls on federal government to defund PBS over LGBT, Critical Race Theory

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

TAMPA, Fla. — After learning that the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has released an LGBT ‘toolkit’ for school teachers and school children, Citizens Defending Freedom is calling on the federal government to strip the television network of its taxpayer funding, which accounts for 15% of PBS’s total funding.

PBS’s curriculum for students is “designed to integrate LGBTQ+ history and narratives into US History and English classrooms.” (Emphasis added).

The network says its curriculum guide is modeled after the New York City Department of Education Social Studies’ LGBT curriculum.

PBS also promotes a “professional development guide” for school teachers, which is intended to help teachers learn how to promote Critical Race Theory and LGBT propaganda in schools.

Along with other resources, the “professional development guide” features a collection of 18 videos.

It includes a video called “All Oppression is Connected.”

“If you line up all the people who are against the black people, and all the people who are against the gay people, and all the people who are against poor women or abortion, chances are they’re related to each other, they know each other, and so therefore, it’s the same enemy.” (Emphasis added).

Another video for educators is called “Combating Homophobia/Transphobia: Real Time Tips.”

A third is called “How to be an Ally.

Another video directly promotes biological males playing in girls’ sports. It is called “Non-binary Inclusion in Sports.”

“PBS is clearly engaged in promoting inappropriate LGBTQ+ and Critical Race Theory propaganda to our children,” said Citizens Defending Freedom’s Chief Communications Officer Kristen Huber. “Their ‘LGBTQ+Identity Kit is clearly a partisan effort to brainwash teachers and students, sowing seeds of division and hatred in an environment that should seek to protect our children, not use them as political pawns. We’re calling on the federal government to immediately strip PBS of its funding. American taxpayers should not be forced to fund questionable curriculum for our children.”

Founded in 2021, Citizens Defending Freedom is a non-profit organization that strategically employs county-level chapters across America to help citizens defend their faith and freedom, all while fighting for transparency in local government. Currently, Citizens Defending Freedom has official chapters in Florida, Georgia and Texas. The group is rapidly expanding its footprint, and expects to grow into one of America’s largest political nonprofits. Click here to learn more about Citizens Defending Freedom.

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