Empowering Churches with Biblical Citizenship Classes
Know your Religious Liberty Rights!
Gain more Constitutional Knowledge than 99% of Americans!
Learn Tangible Action Steps for Preserving Liberty!
Entertaining! Inspiring! Educational!
Learn the Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional Foundation of Freedom!
Throughout our history, American pastors and churches have played a crucial role in establishing and preserving both religious and civil liberties. "Biblical Citizenship in Modern America" is a specially designed program for churches, providing an accessible and engaging resource to empower congregations. Your church has the potential to be a driving force in restoring Biblical values within your community!
Now more than ever, our nation needs committed Biblical Citizens who understand the powerful connection between being a citizen of the Kingdom of God and a citizen of this great nation.
In this course, you will discover how America's founders drew upon their deeply held Christian faith and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for generations to come.
We pray that this dynamic course will inspire churches to unite in purpose, taking up the torch of freedom to honor the legacy of our founding fathers and mothers.
Together, we can re-establish the blessings of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and for generations yet to come!