Look Up Books
Click here for instructions on how and where to look up books.
Book-Author List 22Jan24 for CDF-Nueces’ starter list of books and their authors that should be reviewed for age appropriateness.
CCISD Book Lists 22Jan24 is our most current list of some of the books in Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) schools.
Click here for a direct link to, a resource that rates books that are listed alphabetically by Title.
Train to Become an Advocate!
Click here to learn how to:
1. Look up a TX Bill
2. Dissect a Bill
3. Communicate with Public Officials
Click here to learn about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
School Board Candidate Information
Are you or someone you know thinking about running for School Board? Download this free School Board candidate kit and learn if you really want to run, how to run a campaign, and lots of free tools!
Click here to go to the website.
Introduction To Your Parent Back-To School Checklist TX
A brief overview of what to look for in your child’s information package at the beginning of the school year. Increase awareness of your parental (or guardian’s) rights and how to effectively interact with your child’s school personnel. Click here to view the 12-minute video.
Helpful documents, click on to download:
Click here to access TEA Complaint Form. **Please consider reviewing with CDF due to complexities.**
Nueces County Independent School district (ISD) Info
Click here for a list of CCISD Local Policy websites
Patriot Academy Campaign Coach
Patriot Academy’s – Campaign Coach Workshop. It is a must for any and all considering throwing your hat into the political arena. In other words, if you are considering a run for local elected office, or know someone who is, you must go through this informative and entertaining course. Your guides throughout the course will be two seasoned campaign veterans. Together, Raz and Luke will walk you through the questions necessary to ask and answer before you run, and then the nuts and bolts of a winning campaign. There are 8 digital-modules and a downloadable companion workbook with all of the essential elements of the workshop, and some bonus items to help you prepare to launch your campaign. Of course our founder and president Rick Green himself a veteran of many successful campaigns will join Raz and Luke to kick-off the course and then to land the course with a recorded Q&A Session. A comprehensive companion workbook is included along with many fabulous tips and templates to prepare you to run and win!
Click Here for more information.
Contact My Politician
Contact My Politician is designed to create a portal between you the citizen and your legislators. View the steps here.
EIP Current Issues
–> HR 4316 – Citizen Ballot Protection Act: Is 2 pages long and simply amends the NVRA of 1993 section 6 to explicitly allow States to put in place a proof of citizenship requirement for both the federal mail voter registration and any state mail voter registration forms that they might develop.
Click here for the action page.
Click here to access Senator Katie Britt’s page regarding 4316.
–> Click on PDF document above for a list of Nueces County voting locations on 4 May 2024 and early voting locations and dates.
–> Click here to access Nueces County May 2024 election info. May 4 and May 28 are two different elections.
Church Action Steps For Voter Engagement
Research Candidates
Below is a list of sites where you can research candidates before heading to the polls.
To see Poll locations in Nueces County for the 2024 Joint Primary Election Early Voting, click on this link:
Nueces County 2024 Primary Locations
Secretary Nelson Reminds Counties of Duty to Update Voter Registration Rolls
Are you greatly concerned about the moral decay that is pervasive in our secular culture, but feel powerless over being able to reverse the outcome and make a significant difference?
Do you want your children, grandchildren, and future generations to live in a godless culture devoid of religious and personal liberties?
Is it your desire for future generations to curse our current generation for not courageously standing up for their God given rights and liberties?
What would our world look like today if…
Moses was too timid and chose not to stretch out his hand and part the Red Sea.
David cowered in fear and chose to not kill Goliath because his community refused to take a stand against the giant.
56 men were too afraid to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor by signing the Declaration of Independence.
These courageous people were not afraid to swim against the current of their culture. Just like Queen Esther, they clearly understood what it meant to be born ‘for such a time as this’. Imagine being the point of contact and connector for your Church who is armed with Biblical Citizenship ministry tools and resources that will have a significant impact at the local and national level when put into action within your Church.
Together we can be the ‘Salt & Light’ of the world and ensure the preservation of our God given liberties now and in future generations.
Citizens Defending Freedom is partnered with The Remnant Alliance.
Biblical Citizenship in Modern America Class Overview
You will learn how the founders relied on their foundational Christian principles and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future generations. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are no longer taught in our educational institutions today. All in all, you will be edified and equipped to implement your faith in our culture and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!
This course offers the quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles, and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders’ Library; and finally our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course!
Biblical Citizen Action List
Introducing Remnant Alliance
The Toolkit to Expand the Kingdom of God
So many within the body of Christ see the satanic evil that is working to destroy souls and our God-given republic. They want to do something about it, but they don’t know what to do. They often have no plan of action to follow, and don’t have someone to lead the way.
The Remnant Alliance is here to fill that gap. We have established a comprehensive plan with a united team of ministries and professional organizations to manage a specific path that takes pastors and church leaders from feeling confused and paralyzed, to actively leading their congregations to overcome evil with the Power of God through His people’s work. Our strategy isn’t talk, it is a clear, step-by-step plan to make churches the hub of local light and local action for God’s purpose in every community of our republic.
Here is how you make a difference
Open Letter Regarding Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns
Click here to view CDF Letter regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns and Mistrust amongst Minority Populations
Commissioner's Court And City Council Meeting Records
Click here to view
Patriotic Ceremonies in 2024!
Check out what’s happening in the local area in 2024 from the Corpus Christi Mayor’s Committee for Veteran’s Affairs. Click here to view.