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Captura de pantalla 2024-04-01 a las 10.16.42 a.m.png
Maleana Gay

Líder de la División de Elecciones y Libertad

Paul Parker

Election Division Leader

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Jill Farris

Education Division Leader


Texas legislators pass election integrity bill after intense campaign by citizen activists

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Wilco CDF Exec Director Marcia Watson receiving a GAWTP Champions Award along with other outstanding Christian Patriots ! Debbie Simmons, local Wilco resident also received the award.

Williamson County welcomes you! Take a listen to learn how you can get engaged.

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Marcia Watson, executive director of Williamson County Citizens Defending Freedom in Texas, explains the organization’s mission in an interview with The Epoch Times at Moms for America’s 25th anniversary celebration in early March.

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